The representatives of all partners (except Finland who joined at the later stage) took part in the BaltSe@nioR kick-off meeting.
Together with representatives of the industry (Forbo Flooring Systems Polska and all representatives took part in one day Design Thinking workshops. Participants worked in four four-people teams that consisted of project partners’ representatives coming from various backgrounds (academic, public administrations, clusters etc.). They were divided into such groups in order to keep their interdisciplinary character. An interdisciplinary team is one of the most important Design Thinking principles and a key to successful solutions at the end of the workshop. The aim of the workshops was to better integrate the group of project partners and to find inspirations and directions on how to better understand and reach out to seniors:
– How to better understand them?
– How to gain knowledge about them in efficient way?
– What tools can help companies to design furniture for seniors?
The Design Thinking workshops were the first activity in WP3 to discover what are the possibilities of using DT methodology in the case of generating results for the project.