We would like to inform you that our BaltSe@nioR Virtual Library (www.baltsenior.com) dedicated to the subject of designing for seniors is now on-line! We started the process of uploading materials to make this on-line place really valuable. Thus we would like to ask you to support us and join the forces to create something unique and useful.
If you have any materials that concern one of the topics listed below and you have a right to share them with others please join the BaltSe@nioR Virtual Library and upload your files.
Here are the topics:
Demographic data,
Seniors as consumers and end users: buying power, buying habits,
Products and product development,
Body ageing,
Characteristic of household,
Specific group of seniors,
New technologies and health care technologies.
If you are a designer, architect, furniture manufacturing company you can also create there a company profile and upload your products catalogue or realizations, share a link to your webpage etc. If you know anyone whose works could enrich the Virtual Library please share this information so it goes further and further.