The Art Academy of Latvia (AAL) was founded in 1921. The major task of the AAL is to provide three cycle higher education in arts in compliance with Bologna process. AAL facilitates creativity in Latvia and internationally, thus securing art continuity. There are more than 800 students at AAL.
At the moment AAL offers opportunities for deep and profound studies of art, audio-visual media, and design and art history in Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and Doctor on Arts programs offered by fourteen departments arranged in five faculties. All faculties are headed by elected professors of the Academy, creative artists and recognized field experts.
The Faculty of Visual Arts includes the Department of Painting, the Department of Graphics, the Department of Textile and the Department of Drawing.
The Faculty of Visual Plastic Arts includes the Department of Sculpture, the Department of Ceramics, the Department of Glass Art and the Department of Fashion Design. The Faculty of Design includes the Department of Functional Design, the Department of Metal Design and the Department of Environment Art.
The Faculty of Audio-Visual Media includes Department of the Visual Communication and the Department of Stage Design. The Art History Faculty includes the Department of History and Theory of Art and Culture, the Department of Restoration and the Department of Humanities.
The Art Academy is a member of various international organizations: NICA (Network for International Cooperation in Arts), ELIA (European League of Institutes of Arts), CIRRUS (Nordic-Baltic Network of Art and Design Education), KUNO (Union of the Nordic-Baltic Art Academies), CUMULUS (Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media) and NORDPLUS (Program of Nordic Council of Ministers). In framework of Lifelong Learning programme ERASMUS Art Academy of Latvia has bilateral agreements with more than 121 partnership universities in Europe and beyond.
Project manager:
Vineta Kreigere
Works as a Project manager since 2010, at the AAL since 2013.
Have experience in working with the different national programs and projects and EU programs and funds: European Social Fund, European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism, Baltic Sea Region transnational co-operation programme, Creative Europe etc.
Vineta has a strong coordination capabilities, networking and organisational skills and experience, significant experience in financial and administrative matters, in fund raising and project management.