School of Business
Business is one of five schools at the University of Skövde. We provide modern programs based on internationally recognized research within Enterprises for the future (EFF). Education and research is done with quality as our guiding principle, in close collaboration with the surrounding community. The School aims to provide a stimulating and creative environment for both staff and students.
The research within Enterprises for the Future focuses on how companies and organizations can use strategy development, leadership and internationalization to be successful in an increasingly global competitive environment.
Enterprises for the future (EFF) carries out research in the following research groups:
- Retailing and International Business (RIB)
- Strategic Entrepreneurship (StrEnt)
- Followership and Organizational resilience (FORE)
- Knowledge and Innovation Management (KIM)
- Professional Accounting Practices and Sustainability (PAPS)
Project manager:
Lotten Svensson is head of Department of Business and a PhD candidate in University of Twente, The Netherlands. Lotten is the project manager for the Swedish Partner University of Skövde. Her area of research and interest is business administration. Her thesis discuss the relational Resource Based Theory for firms possibility to create superior performance in concert with public collaboration in non-urban contexts. Lotten has previous been project leader for the FlagShip Comfort in Living, one of the projects in the Baltic Sea Interreg projects runned by the Swedish authority Vinnova.